The Business of PR Podcast explores the ways PR and Communications operates as a core business function and a powerful tool to drive business growth, increase influence,and create positive change in society

Episode 6: PR Freelancing & AB5: What to Know

Episode 6: PR Freelancing & AB5: What to Know

PR Freelancing & AB5: What to Know
Business of PR with Nicole Jordan

When AB5 went into law at the start of 2020 it prompted a lot of questions and confusions from freelancers and businesses alike. What were the lines to not cross? Was there a way PR freelancers could protect themselves when working for companies and hiring sub-contractors? These were just a few of the things we were asking our networks and legal friends. Now a year in, questions still remain.

To track down answers, I talked with Charles Swain, ESQ with Swain Law Firm in Los Angeles, a client centered law practice representing employees and consumers in employment, personal injury and landlord-tenant matters. In this podcast Mr. Swain walks through the outlines of the law, precedents it’s based on, specific examples, and tips on how freelancers can best protect themselves.

Episode 7: Tales in Higher-Ed: Two Journalism and Communication Professors Talk Opportunities & Challenges

Episode 7: Tales in Higher-Ed: Two Journalism and Communication Professors Talk Opportunities & Challenges

Episode 5: Building a PR Agency to Sell

Episode 5: Building a PR Agency to Sell